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There is a complex cycle of payable loans, like A has to pay some money to B, B to C and C to D. The entanglement deepens when the protagonists and antagonists plan to abduct key members of each side. As everyone runs after money, some aides exchange their sides; and the plot becomes more complicated.

Director: Subash Koirala
Written By: Kasam Nepal
Starring: Prakash Ghimire, Karma Shakya, Basanta Bhatta, Rashmi Bhatta, Najir Hussain, Krishna Bhakta Maharjan, Prabin Khatiwada, Saroj Shrestha, Priyanka Singh Thakuri, Kameswor Chaurasyia, Kamal Pyasi Devkota, Loonibha Tuladhar, Janawi Bohara, Keshab Singh Thagunna, Sagar Dhakal, Ganesh Bashyal,

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